David Milazzo

AP U.S. Government Foundational Document Review
Political Blog Assignment

In the Case of Engel v. Vitale, a New York State law required public schools to begin school every day with the whole class having to recite the pledge of allegiance and also say a prayer. The case began when a woman sued on her kid's behalf and argued that the law interfered with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment means that the government cannot make any law that favors a religion. At the end of the case, the majority decision was that having this law in place contradicted the constitution. The Court that decided the case was liberal. When the final hearing came in 1962, Justice Hugo Black announced the decision to the crowd. This case originated in New Hyde Park in New York. A relevant situation happened when Colin Kapernick decided to kneel during the National Anthem. The move stirred up America and gave an idea to the public that you don't have to stand if you don't believe you should.
U.S. v. Lopez occurred when Alfonzo Lopez walked into his high school with a concealed firearm. He was later arrested due to violating school gun rules. He was ultimately charged and became a felon. He then went to the supreme court and argued that schools were supposed to stay under State Level but instead he was charged with the step above which is a felony. After listening to Mr. Lopez the court agreed with Mr. Lopez and set him free. The analysis of the court revealed that they were liberal due to the comment that Lopez said about schools being under State law. The Chief Justice believed that even though what Mr. Lopez did was wrong, the government made the mistake of breaking the rules when it came to charging Mr. Lopez as a felon. The case originated in texas under the circumstances that Mr. Lopez was violating school rules. This case is similar to the events that are happening across the US with all the mass shootings across the years, The government instantly charged Mr. Lopez with a federal crime because they care about the school and the kids and every year stricter gun laws are being placed so people can't put kids lives in danger.
This case made it so that the Supreme court protect the 1st Amendment, freedom of speech, and make it constitute for people to run political commercials talking bad about their opponent. The Supreme Court realized that the case interfered with the 1st amendment and had to make it constitutional. The case was ruled 5-4 liberal in favor of overturning the rule. The chief justice made the final decision in the court hearing to constitutionalize the case. This case originated when questions arose due to political cartoons and the use of free speech. The Use of political cartoons and commercials in this day is one of the main sources for a president to gain support from his states. The better the commercial these days, the more support they get.
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